Bannari Amman Public School is a CBSE affiliated school, established by SVB foundation in 2012 at Alathukombai, Erode District of Tamilnadu owing to the deep desire and urge of the people of the locality. Our vision is of a high achieving multi institution educational context in which all young ones achieve their potential through high quality personalized learning that is designed to meet their individual needs. Bannari Amman Public School will differentiate itself from its local competitors by offering a quality alternative of the existing instructional approaches. We give high priority to bring forth the hidden skills, high divine thoughts and abilities of each and every kid by keen observance and providing an ideal surrounding to sprout our with the grace and blessing of God almighty.
Our vision is of a high achieving multi institution educational context in which all young ones achiever their potential through high quality personalized learning that is designed to meet their individual needs.
Our mission at BAPS is a commitment to our students to enrich their intellectual, physical and moral experience in a happy and caring environment. The staff will encourage each student to strive for his / her personal excellence and provide every student opportunities to develop intellectually and learn to function and contribute as a responsible individual. This we believe can be accomplished through challenging learning experience provided by us in partnership with the parents and the community in a climate of co-operation and mutual respect.
Bannari Amman Public School,
Sathyamangalam - 638401
Erode District, Tamil Nadu.