Dr. B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics University

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Dr. B R Ambedkar School of Economics University is an emerging institute of excellence in economic research and education. It was formed to fulfill the need of an eminent institution in the field of economics that caters to the demands of our rapidly changing and growing nation. Our University nurtures future economists and policy makers by imbibing them with knowledge about the dynamics and challenges around us. It endeavors to develop a one-of-a-kind model of pedagogy and research in economics and its allied disciplines.


“The student so trained should learn to distinguish between what may fairly be called matter of fact and what is certainly mere matter of opinion. He should be accustomed to distinguish issues, and to look at separate questions each on its own merits and without an eye to their bearings on some cherished theory. He should learn to state fairly, and even sympathetically the position of those to whose practical conclusions he is most stoutly able to weight evidence, to follow and criticize argument and put his own value on authorities.”


The University aspires to provide necessary support in economic human power to the country and create an inclusive society through the participation of key stakeholders in government, public, private and academic institutes.


Dr. B. R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, Jnana Bharathi Main Road, Nagarbhavi post, Bengaluru – 560072.

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