This institute is also obtained accreditation through Quality Council of India for the trade of Computer Operator and Programming Assistant during the year 2014. The institute has commendable infrastructure, full-fledged staff, well equipped laboratory and voluminous library cater to the trainees of this institute. We also imparting short term courses cater to the need of rural unemployed youths by offering skill training and entrepreneurship culture in collaboration with various sponsoring agencies like District Industries Centre, GOK, Women Development Corporation,
To deliver quality education, using the synergy of theory and practice.To inspire trainees and nurture them with qualities and proficiency which caters to industry needs.
To become a leader in relevant skill training with recognized certifications with a goal to address the employment needs of rural men and women.
Thalamalai Road, Thalavadi, Sathy Tk, Erode 638461
Tamil Nadu