J.J College of Education

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About Us

The Challenge of the present day is such that nobody can sit and look back of what happened or to live in fantasy to escape from the present. It is more so in the life of an Educational Institution.

Irrespective of the Degrees or Diplomas for which the individual may be striving, the deepest desire in him is to get exposed to experiences that will equip him with necessary knowledge and skills capable of filling his life with all happiness and contentment. In this contest J.J. College of Education has sprung up to cater to the needs of those aspiring to become Teachers and leaves no stone unturned for providing the best of everything in Teacher education.

The college has been offering B.Ed. and M.Ed. degree courses on self financing mode from December 2005 and August 2007respectively.

At present it is functioning with 3 units of B.Ed. i.e having 300 student teachers and 2 units of M.Ed. with 70 scholars. Our human resources are also worth mentioning, as 21 fully qualified members staff the B.Ed. department and 10 experienced Professors take care of the M.Ed. Scholars.

Our J.J. College of education is in the ambit of J.J. Educational Health and Charitable Trust, Trichy. Now by the strenuous efforts of the management , the Administrators and the Staff, the Centre for Research has been established as a crown to all achievements.



We visualize our Institution, as a value based one, cherishing and practising the noble values, attributed to noble Teachers for equipping the society with leaders of noble qualities.



To make Teacher Education really professional, the Institution shall strive to provide activity oriented learning from day one to the end of the programme, for all the theoretical input and practicum suggested so as to develop wholesome personality with conducive changes in cognitive, conative and psychomotor realms of the blooming teachers.


J.J College of Education , Ammapettai ,Pulangulathupatti (P.O), Tiruchirapalli - 620009.
0431 2695623

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