The school is affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi. The institution has excellent infrastructure to meet the current standards of education. The students are trained in many co-curricular and extracurricular activities like arts, craft, music, dance, yoga, debate, elocution, writing, quiz,etc. To maintain good health and fitness, students are given coaching in many indoor and outdoor sports activities.
JSS Public School aims to provide affordable quality education, while equipping students with knowledge and skills, inculcate values, identify hidden talents, provide opportunities for students to realize their full potential and thus shape them into future leaders, entrepreneurs and above all good human beings.
Our Mission is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning.
JSS Public School,
Sri Shivarathrishwar Nagar,
Near Tapovan kelageri,
Dharwad, Karnataka-580007.