The Institute was founded by National Education Society(NGO), Hansi under the enlightened guidance of visionary President Sh. Sanjay Kumar, in 2005. A great contribution, dedication and creativeness of staff members, local dignitaries, spontaneous involvement of the parents in educational endeavor, the deep sense of belongingness on part of the students and well-wishers have made the institute an skill educational nursery where seeds sprout, grow and blossom.
The class rooms are spacious, well ventilated and fully lighted. Comfortable furniture, white boards, projector with screen with appropriate sound system of latest design have been provided in all the class-rooms.
The Workshops are well equipped with electricity plugged space, latest machinery with panels & tool items & working projects, fire extinguishers, and individual lockers for each student .
Madurai Main Road, Vatlagundu Post, Dindigul 624202
Tamil Nadu