A. B. Enterprises

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About Us

A. B. Enterprises, manufacture these dyes, some are natural dyes and some are synthetic. Natural ones are produced or extracted from plants in the form of flower or stem, while the synthetic ones are prepared in the lab using several different kind of chemicals


Presently, we are the chief manufacturer, supplier and exporter of different kinds of products which are Reactive Cold Dyes, Reactive Printing Dyes, Synthetic Food Color, Benzidine Direct Dyes, Wood Stain Dyes, Solvent Color,


We make dyes in different colors and composition, as per their applications. We make our food color using edible chemical compound, so that one can consume it, without affecting health.
About - A. B. Enterprises

What We Do

Clients show their positive feedback in the form of repeated orders in heavy quantity, it motivates us in providing them their desired products along with some improved and advance features


No. 202, Shradanand Building - 272 / 274, Samuel Street, Mumbai 400003 Maharashtra, India

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