Aman Enterprises

Security Services
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Likewise, the distinction, or overlap, between military and civilian security agencies varies between countries. In the United States, the FBI and CIA are civilian agencies, although they have various paramilitary traits and have professional relationships


A security agency is a governmental organization that conducts intelligence activities for the internal security of a nation.[1] They are the domestic cousins of foreign intelligence agencies,


The distinction, or overlap, between security agencies, national police, and gendarmerie organizations varies by country. For example, in the United States, one organization, the FBI, is a national police, an internal security agency, and a counterintelligence agency
About - Aman Enterprises

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Security agencies frequently have "security", "intelligence" or "service" in their names. Private organizations that provide services similar to a security agency might be called a "security company" or "security service",


Sr. No. 229, Agarwal Estate, Near Khandoba Temple, Bhosari Pune 411 039 Maharashtra, India

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