During this journey of over 80 years, BAI's membership has grown from 250 members spread over 3 Centres, to more than 20,000 plus direct members spread over about 200 plus Centres across the length and breadth of the country.
Throughout its more than seven decades of existence, BAI has had its ups and downs, trials and tribulations, moments of strengths and weakness, moments of glory and disappointment
BAI started Overseas Construction Council of India (OCCI) now known as Project Export Promotion Council of India (PEPCI), which through its members, initiated manpower export to Gulf counties and brought in a lot of foreign remittance.
What We Do
Fighting relentlessly against the applicability of the Provident Fund provisions to the casual and temporary construction workers, BAI has been petitioning the govt.
G-1/G-20, Commerce Centre, J. Dadajee Road,
Mumbai 400034
Maharashtra, India