Superb Enterprises Pvt Ltd

public service
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About Us

Superb Enterprises Pvt Ltd is a renowned company specialising in the field of tours and travels.Established in 2008 we serve Haji and Umrah People especially from Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmadabad, Lucknow, Hyderabad etc. We are travelled professional and can expertly advise you in planning you Hajj and Umrah. We ensure great quality, value and experience you deserve.


We give Full Guidance according to Quran and Sunnah by experienced Imams and Group Leaders.


Our mission is to serve Allah Guests the best we can.
About - Superb Enterprises Pvt Ltd

What We Do

We are organizing international standard Haj and Umrah tours for potential pilgrims. Our Haj and Umrah tour packages are wholly inclusive and cater to the requirements of all types of pilgrims like young, old, middle aged and women.


No: B 1, "Prince Manor" 114, Purasawalkam High Road, Chennai - 600010

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