D.B.H.P.S Dr. B.D. Jatti College of Education

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DBHPS Dr BD Jatti College of Education, Belgaum was established in the year 1988, DBHPS Dr BD Jatti College of Education, Belgaum is affiliated to KLE University, Belgaum.


Where as the object of the institution known as the Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha are such as to make it an institution of national importance.


In any other law for the time being in force, the Sabha may hold such examinations and grant such degrees, diplomas and certificates for proficiency in Hindi or in the teaching of Hindi as may be determined by the Sabha from time to time.


D.B.H.P.S Dr. B.D. Jatti College of Education, Civil Hospital Road, Ayodhya Nagar, Belgaum - 590 001.
9491189376, 0831-2470205

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