RVS Technical Campus
Service is our motto

About Us
The RVS Technical Campus - Coimbatore intends to be the preeminent research and teaching institution linking the people of our institutions to the nation and the world by providing quality, career focused education and world class specializations.

To be a world class Institution for Engineering and Managerial Education by imparting quality education of global standards and formulate students academically superior, socially committed, ethically strong and culturally rich citizens.

Prepare the next generations of skilled and ethical professionals by providing excellent graduate and professional education that prepares graduates to compete in a diverse world market
4th International Conference on Inventive Computation and Information Technologies ICICIT 2022
[ICICIT 2022] rapidly covers innovative computing applications for developing next-generation computational and communication techniques in the areas of data mining, big data processing, information management, and security.
6th International Conference on Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing ICCVBIC 2022
ICCVBIC provides quality key experts who provide an opportunity in bringing up innovative ideas.
6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology ICECA 2022
The main objective of the ICECA 2022 conference is to present the latest research and results of scientists, research scholars and students related to Electronics, Communication and Aerospace technologies for future collaboration