T.M.A.E.S Polytechnic

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About Us

The Directorate of Technical Education is the monitoring and controlling body for the admissions to Diploma and Degree courses in Karnataka. As regards to the admissions to the degree program a separate Cell has been set up by the Govt. of Karnataka to take up this gigantic task. All the latest information about admissions to Engineering degree programs are available in the web-site of Karnataka Examination Authority.



Establish an institution of excellence in technical education and produce quality skilled and trained Individuals imbibing traditional values to meet the growing technological & socioeconomic needs of our nation and the world at large.



To establish an institution whose emphasis is on technical academic excellence, innovative research & developmental programmes with core human values.

To instill a disciplinary culture in all students and faculty, making them technologically and ethically strong.


T.M.A.E.S Polytechnic, B.H Road Jedikatte, Bhadravathi.
08182 -293557

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